Google+ HEALTH PRODUCTS IN SWANSEA: What Are The Health Benefits Of Aloe Vera?

Friday, 2 August 2013

What Are The Health Benefits Of Aloe Vera?

Decades of scientific research for a wide range of illnesses has had limited effectiveness  through conventional medicine and to no surprise many people suffering from disease which is chronic in the sense of long lasting are turning to alternative medical remedies.

One of these is Herbal therapy, of which Aloe Vera is a prominent example. It has been used for many years in several different cultures as a therapy for a variety of different conditions. With a wealth of anecdotal evidence suggesting that Aloe Vera is effective and test-tube experiments have shown that components of Aloe Vera have some actions which could be useful clinically.
A study in patients with Ulcerative Colitis, a chronic inflammatory diarrhoeal disease, with the help of Peter Atherton found evidence that Aloe Vera gel does indeed perform better than placebo when taken for 6 weeks.

The World Health Organisation estimates that, worldwide, herbalism is three to four  times more commonly practised than conventional medicine. 70% of the British Pharmacopaeia originates from herbs with 121 commonly used prescription drugs owing their origins to 95 different plants.

What does Aloe Vera Contain?

Aloe Vera Leaf Contains 75 known ingredients which are divided into eight distinct categories:

Lignin - a cellulose-based substance found in the gel with no specific medicinal properties.

Saponins - glycosides which are thought to comprise about three per cent of Aloe Vera Gel. Soapy substances containing antiseptic properties which are capable of cleansing.

Minerals -  
Calcium for bones and teeth, cellular structure and nerve transmission
Manganese for the activation of others. these are complex proteins that speed up the route of clinical reaction in the plant
Sodium for preventing the body fluids from becoming too acid or too alkaline. Also involved in the electrical conductivity in muscles and nerves.
Potassium is also involved in the acid-base balance and electrical conductivity
Copper for the action of iron as an oxygen carrier in red blood cells
Magnesium for the metabolism of calcium during bone formation and needed by the nerve and muscle membranes
Zinc for major metabolic pathways contributing to the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. A very important factor in mens health and reproductive function.
Chromium for the proper function of insulin, vital for diabetics
                 Iron part of 'haemoglobin' in red blood cells, enables oxygen to be transported around the body.
A,C and E important antioxidant vitamins, essential in the fight against damaging free radicals. All three positively influence the immune system and Vitamin C in particular assists in wound healing.  

Vitamin A is essential to maintain normal night vision. 

Vitamin E helps the body utilise oxygen, prevents blood clots, thrombosis, athercosclerosis. The best natural source has to be fresh fruit and vegetables, especially leafy vegetables such as cabbage and kale, seed bearing vegetables such as broccoli and all varieties of beans.

The B Vitamins, including Choline

Associated with the production of energy and with Amino acid metabolism, which helps develop muscle mass.
Vitamin B12 an essential vitamin for manufacturing red blood cells. A deficiency of Vitamin B12 will eventually lead to anaemia
Folic Acid for the development of blood cells.

Amino Acids

The human body requires 20 Amino Acids for good health to be maintained and all but eight can be manufactured in the body. The others are called ''essential amino acids'' and need to be taken as food. 19 of the 20 are found in Aloe Vera and the seven of the eight essential ones.
The missing one is Tryptophan which can be found in Fruit/Veg such as cucumber, Asparagus, it can also be found in Nuts, Seeds, Grains, Dairy, Meat, Poultry and Fish. So you have a wide choice.

              Peroxidase, Carboxypeptidase, Lipase, Cellulase, Catalase, Alkaline Phosphatase, Aliiase and Amylase.

           Monosaccharides such as glucose and fructose and long chain sugars polysaccharides, the main one being a glucomannose often referred to as Acemannan.

           The plant sterols are important anti-inflammatory agents.

So all this in such a little plant.


What Are The Important Qualities Of Aloe Vera?


It Provides essential micro nutrients 

Tissues that die are rapidly renewed, such as the lining of the gut which renews itself around every 4 four days and skin which renews itself after 21 - 28 days or so. A poor diet and one of which is deficient in certain key elements will not produce a fit and healthy body or mind.

It kills Bacteria, viruses, fungi and yeasts

Experiments in the laboratory have been carried out on numerous organisms and have regularly shown that at normal strength Aloe Vera can either destroy or inhibit the growth of several organisms, especially those that case skin and wound infections.

It reduces inflammation

Inflammation is the response of healthy tissues to injury. Ibuprofen is one of several drugs used to help but can have nasty side effects from, indigestion to the more extreme cases such as bleeding stomach ulcers. In November 1995 a report appeared in the British Medical press suggesting that about 5% of duodenal and a massive 22% of gastric ulcers were associated with the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, yet still sold in their millions.

Skin Conditions That Responded Positively From Aloe Vera

Acne vulgaris and rosacea
Eczema, especially atopic eczema in young children
Seborrhoeic dermatitis
Chronic urticaria
Athlete's Foot

Other Things Helped By Aloe Vera

Fungal skin infections - Athlete's Foot
Chronic Ulcers and Bed Sores
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Cold Sores
Crohn's Disease
Gingevitis as well as Sensitive Teeth and Gums

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