Friday, 12 April 2013

Why Is It Important To Exercise Whilst Losing Weight?

Believe it or not Exercise is an important part in maintaining overall health and fitness for both you and your body and your mind.

Your Scale Weight can be manipulated through diet alone, for ideal results you want to be looking at achieving a healthy balance between:
  • Muscle
  • Fat
But this can only be attained through regular Exercise.

As I know and many qualified trainers will tell you, many people don't understand, however, is the importance of mixing:
  • Cardio or Aerobic exercise
  • Weight Lifting
Aerobic - means '' with oxygen '' so when you exercise aerobically there is adequate supply of oxygen available to create the energy needed for muscles to function.

Aerobic Exercise involves large muscle groups that can be exercised in a rhythmic and continuous manner.
For example:
  • Walking
  • Running (a lot of people hate this)
  • Cycling
  • Rowing
  • Cross Country Skiing
A few benefits for Exercise

  • Burns up Calories
  • Speeds up the metabolism
  • Release of Endorphines
  • Using Muscles- Fibres become smaller
  • Exercise can reduce your risk of Heart Attack and Stroke
  • You are more likely to have joint pain or lower back pain if you don't do any exercise
  • Exercise helps you feel happier
The last one on the list is always good.

Whats Stopping YOU? 

Get Started!

The average adult needs to do at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day, on five or more days a week to gain the health benefits.

Seems a lot!

But you don't need to spend hours at the gym or run marathons its not what were saying here. Were not even saying you have to do the full 30 minutes in one go, you could do:
  • 2 x 15 minute bouts
  • 3 x 10 minute bouts
just to reach the minimum of 30 minutes a day, this can also be as effective as lengthier sessions. If your just beginning then this could be more of a manageable starting point.

Sustain an exercise habit- the easiest way is to incorporate it into your daily routine.
Simple things like:
  • Cycle or Walk to work instead of the bus / car this may not be possible so get off a stop early or park a street away (no excuses)
  • Use stairs instead of the lift- again if your on the top floor of a 25 floor building or more jump off a few floors below (no excuses)
  • Spend more time Gardening or Walking in the park
All these simple things can help increase your energy output.

I know sometimes it can be hard to motivate yourself to be more physically active and it can feel like a chore.
  • Start by changing the way you think about regular exercise
  • Remind yourself that it will make you feel better (it might not seem it at the time but gradually you'll notice it and others will to)
  • It will probably improve the quality and length of your life
  • Most importantly it can be FUN
If you join the Forever Living F.I.T Clean 9 and Forever F.I.T 1,2 you'll get all the help and support you need to learn these simple things and more on your quest for losing weight.


Thursday, 11 April 2013

How Important Is Water When Losing Weight?

A short post to give you an insight of how important water is whilst on your quest to losing weight.

An average of 70% of our body is comprised of water. So Water plays a vital role in everything from regulating out body temperature to protecting our organs and tissues.
It also:
  • transports oxygen to your cells
  • removes waste
  • protects your joints and organs

Water also is an integral part in any endeavor to lose weight. In addition to making you feel fuller, water helps you to flush out excess waste and prevent bloating.

Ways you lose Water:
  • urination
  • respiration
  • sweating

If you are active, you lose more water than if you are sedentary. Diuretics such as:
  •  Caffeine
  •  Pills 
  • Alcohol
result in the need to drink more water because they trick your body into thinking you have more water because these trick your body into thinking you have more water than we need.

Drinking at least Eight Glasses (240ml servings) of water each day will allow you to replenish the water you lose, but don't forget to drink an extra bottle after vigorous exercise and heavy perspiration. So an average of 2 litres a day.

5 Facts About Water

  • By the time you feel thirsty you likely have already lost at least 1 litre of your total body water.
  •  Feeling tired of lethargic, a dull, persistent headache, or if your eyes feel dry from your contact lenses are all classic signs of dehydration.
  • Water helps with weight loss, naturally reducing your appetite.
  • Water stops headaches and dizziness. Your headache could be a symptom of being dehydrated so drinking water should make it go away.
  • Water clears your skin. If you have dry skin, drinking water will give it more moisture but that's not all. It also flushes toxins out of your body and anything else that shouldn't be there so it clears your skin of any dirt and bacteria.
So now you know the importance of drinking water when losing weight and naturally.
On the Forever Living F.I.T Clean 9 and Forever F.I.T 1 and 2 Programme you get taught all these useful tips to help maintain a healthier and better YOU. Speak to me about these great weight loss programmes I don't bite only help you succeed every step of the way.

Our Body Needs It!  

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Why Do Most Diets Not Work ?

The word Diet to most people is  depressing as we think of it as giving up foods that are comfortable and enjoyable to us. In order for you to Diet we need to change the way you view what a Diet actually is doing for you. Rather than seeing it as having to give up things we like we need to change our mindset to recognise we are doing something positive in order to change our shape, size, lifestyle and we are gaining in so many ways becoming healthy.
When you look at any diet you are not eating the way you would for the rest of your life, you eat the foods you may not like very much or just don't satisfy you.

Going from one diet to another or going on a diet losing weight then coming off and putting it back on, then going back on a diet (yo-yo dieting) can be stressful mentally and on the body's system to have large swings in body weight. This isn't mentioned by all these Fad diets out there all they want is their product sold and selling well. I know a lot of people taken various diets and lost weight, which I'm proud to hear that and can see there happy but a few months down the line I see them again and they have put it back on through no fault of their own. They just haven't been given the right knowledge to keep the weight off whilst enjoying their food.

People also forget about exercising, I'm not talking marathons here just regular exercise to get the heart pumping something like taking the stairs instead of the lift, going for a walk around the park or to the shops, park further away from the shop entrance so you have to walk further, just little things like that can help in your quest to lose weight with your diet.

When you begin a diet your body reacts to fewer calories by slowing down your metabolism, burning fewer calories each day just to maintain your body functions. So if you just think just dieting is gonna help you lose weight then your wrong, yes you will lose some weight but what happens is the body will lose muscle mass and store fat as a reserve. When you lose that muscle, your metabolism slows even further so you would have to eat even fewer calories a day to continue losing weight, so therefore YOU MUST make an effort to exercise.

Taking this in mind if you don't exercise and fall off the diet the weight will come back on even faster, as your body is burning fewer calories per day. Even worse the weight will come back on as fat rather than as the muscle you just lost.
A fact for you here, did you know that the average person only gets 30% of nutrients they need for their body even if they eat healthy. So imagine what these Fad diets provide !

With the Forever Living Health Products and Diet Program you get the works on the Forever F.I.T Program.:
  • From the Aloe Vera Gel Drink alone your provided with all the vitamins and nutrients your body requires.
  • An easy to follow step by step guide
  • Full one on one support from a qualified Nutritionist
  • Tasty shakes and meals to prepare
  • No more Dieting